


Improve your Student Experience by intelligently collecting data

StudentPulse help you continuously collect feedback from your potential, current and previous students.

By integrating micro surveys into your existing communication flows, we provide you and your colleagues with the right data at the right time. Simple and actionable.

Learn more about StudentPulse:

Base your decisions on real time data

StudentPulse is a platform that provides you with data about your students – when it’s needed, where it’s needed. No matter if you want weekly, monthly or quarterly updates, data will form the basis of your future decisions.

your feedback setup
your drop-out costs
your brand ambassadors

Tailored to your students’ experience

When implementing the platform, our team identifies the most important touch points you have with your (potential) students.

We help you to set up intelligent data collection in existing touch points – and as long as Student Experience is on your radar we will be there to assist!

Rune Sønderby

(+45)42905117 [javascript protected email address] Linkedin

Frederik Halbak Jacobsen

International Business Developer
(+45)23416522 [javascript protected email address] Linkedin

Try for 2 months without any costs

Have we peaked your interest?

We would love to get in touch so we can talk more about StudentPulse.